Fort Lewis soldiers exposed by laptop theft

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Date Reported:
7/9/08 (UPDATED 7/11/08 -
Laptop with information about soldier found; Lacey teen arrested)

United States Army

Fort Lewis*

*The principal Fort Lewis maneuver units are the 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division and the 3d Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division. It is also home to the 593d Corps Support Group, the 555th Engineer Group, the 1st MP Brigade (Provisional), the I Corps NCO Academy, Headquarters, Fourth ROTC Region, the 1st Personnel Support Group, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne), 2d Battalion (Ranger), 75th Infantry, and Headquarters, 5th Army (West).  Fort Lewis has more than 25,000 soldiers and civilian workers, source: About Fort Lewis


Number Affected:
~800 - 900

Types of Data:
"personal information"

Breach Description:
"A laptop computer that was reported stolen from an Army employee’s truck last week contained personal information on about 800 to 900 Fort Lewis soldiers, said military and Lacey police officials."

Reference URL:
KING Channel 5 News
Tacoma News

Report Credit:
Elisa Hahn, KING Channel 5 News

From the online sources cited above:

A laptop computer that was reported stolen from an Army employee’s truck last week contained personal information on about 800 to 900 Fort Lewis soldiers, said military and Lacey police officials.

In this case, an Army employee told Lacey police he left the laptop and a 500-gigabyte removable hard drive on the seat of his Dodge truck, parked unlocked in front of his house overnight July 3
[Evan] Storing personal information on removable devices such as laptops, external hard drives and flash drives without encryption, strike one.  Moving the mobile device outside of a controlled area is strike two.  Leaving the mobile device overnight in an unlocked vehicle in plain sight of passers-by is an emphatic strike three.

He reported them stolen about 10 a.m. on July 4.
[Evan] A soldier's personal information stolen on the day our country celebrates our independence is insulting.

A post spokeswoman said officials were notifying the involved soldiers out of concern that the case might put them at risk for identity theft.

the Army began no later than Wednesday notifying the affected soldiers through e-mail and phone calls. They’ll get follow-up letters.

Officials said the employee, a civilian military personnel specialist, appears to have violated Army standards and policies for protecting personal information and government property.

Army laptops and removable storage devices containing personal information are generally restricted to on-post workplaces but can be signed out with a supervisor’s permission.

They’re also supposed to be password-protected and personal information is supposed to be encrypted

The Army is assisting Lacey police with the theft investigation and conducting its own review, said Catherine Caruso, a Fort Lewis spokeswoman.

"We’re not releasing anything more about what information was inappropriately compromised or about the soldiers whose information was involved," Caruso said.

"Clearly it was personal information regarding 800 to 900 soldiers from Fort Lewis. Beyond that, we’d rather not specify."

there was no classified, secret or top-secret information on the laptop and the hard drive.

Caruso said the employee was working on a project regarding a particular unit at a location other than his office.

She said "it would be inappropriate to speculate" about what potential disciplinary action the worker might face if he is found to have broken security rules.
[Evan] It is probably inappropriate to speculate, but you know we will anyway.  My guess is that there is another person looking for a job in the Olympia, Washington area.

Since the theft, post officials have set new training requirements for military personnel staff and prepared a memo for each employee to sign outlining the safeguarding and reporting requirements

When someone's poor judgment creates unnecessary risk to military personnel it carries a little more weight for me.  These men and women give everything to protect us.  Without them I wouldn't be able to write this, and without them you wouldn't be able to read it.

Past Breaches:
United States Army:
June, 2008 - Walter Reed Army Medical Center breach through P2P
April, 2008 - Excel Spreadsheet on the web exposes Army officers and civilians

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