Theft from a YMCA garage sale
Technorati Tag: Security Breach
Date Reported:
Young Men's Christian Association ("YMCA")
University YMCA
Customers of the annual "Dump and Run" garage sale
Number Affected:
Types of Data:
"checks and credit/debit card imprints"
Breach Description:
"The YMCA is warning customers who attended their annual "Dump and Run" garage sale Saturday that all profits collected have been stolen along with people's personal account information."
Reference URL:
The Daily Illini
University YMCA Warning
Report Credit:
University YMCA
From the online sources cited above:
The University YMCA, located at 1001 S. Wright Street in Champaign, is warning customers who patronized their garage sale fundraiser on August 23, 2008 at the Stock Pavilion of a theft that occurred sometime between August 23 at 4:00p.m. and August 24 at 11:00a.m.
[Evan] Criminals who steal from fundraisers are low, low, low.
On August 24 at approximately 12:16 p.m., YMCA staff notified Champaign police that an undisclosed amount of cash received from the garage sale was found missing along with checks and credit card imprints.
After the sale, staff took proper measures to lock up the proceeds in a secure location.
[Evan] What is the YMCA's definition of a "secure location"?
Willard Broom, YMCA executive director, said they came back Sunday morning to find all cash, credit and debit card slips and checks gone.
"We are very sorry that this has happened," said Broom. "But unfortunately, we were robbed."
To date, YMCA employees do not have an indication that customers' credit cards or accounts have been tampered with, but are warning customers to notify their bank and credit card companies of potential faudulent charges.
Customers are also urged to report any fraudulent activity on their accounts to the Champaign Police Department.
The YMCA is attempting to take the proper steps by notifying patrons of the incident and is working closely with police to investigate this case.
Customer concerns can be directed to Betty Earle at University YMCA, 337-1500.
Citizens with information regarding this burglary can contact the Champaign Police Department at or can contact Crime Stoppers by submitting anonymous tips online at or by texting the following: Tip387 plus the information to CRIMES (247637).
If you paid by check, we recommend you contact your bank.
If you paid by credit or debit card, we recommend you call your card issuer.
[Evan] And cancel your cards/accounts. Get a new one, if you need it.
Also, we recommend that you place a faurd alert on your credit file.
We regret this very unfortunate situation and appreciate your understanding.
The YMCA would graciously accept your substitute payment in lieu of the stolen cash, checks and credit card imprints for any items purchased on Saturday at the "Dump & Run" Sale.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and we exist solely from the donations of private individuals. For more information and assistance, please contact Betty Earle at 337-1500.
It is interesting that even the information collected at some garage sales is sensitive and needs protection.
Past Breaches:

Young Men's Christian Association ("YMCA")
University YMCA
Customers of the annual "Dump and Run" garage sale
Number Affected:
Types of Data:
"checks and credit/debit card imprints"
Breach Description:
"The YMCA is warning customers who attended their annual "Dump and Run" garage sale Saturday that all profits collected have been stolen along with people's personal account information."
Reference URL:
The Daily Illini
University YMCA Warning
Report Credit:
University YMCA
From the online sources cited above:
The University YMCA, located at 1001 S. Wright Street in Champaign, is warning customers who patronized their garage sale fundraiser on August 23, 2008 at the Stock Pavilion of a theft that occurred sometime between August 23 at 4:00p.m. and August 24 at 11:00a.m.
[Evan] Criminals who steal from fundraisers are low, low, low.
On August 24 at approximately 12:16 p.m., YMCA staff notified Champaign police that an undisclosed amount of cash received from the garage sale was found missing along with checks and credit card imprints.
After the sale, staff took proper measures to lock up the proceeds in a secure location.
[Evan] What is the YMCA's definition of a "secure location"?
Willard Broom, YMCA executive director, said they came back Sunday morning to find all cash, credit and debit card slips and checks gone.
"We are very sorry that this has happened," said Broom. "But unfortunately, we were robbed."
To date, YMCA employees do not have an indication that customers' credit cards or accounts have been tampered with, but are warning customers to notify their bank and credit card companies of potential faudulent charges.
Customers are also urged to report any fraudulent activity on their accounts to the Champaign Police Department.
The YMCA is attempting to take the proper steps by notifying patrons of the incident and is working closely with police to investigate this case.
Customer concerns can be directed to Betty Earle at University YMCA, 337-1500.
Citizens with information regarding this burglary can contact the Champaign Police Department at or can contact Crime Stoppers by submitting anonymous tips online at or by texting the following: Tip387 plus the information to CRIMES (247637).
If you paid by check, we recommend you contact your bank.
If you paid by credit or debit card, we recommend you call your card issuer.
[Evan] And cancel your cards/accounts. Get a new one, if you need it.
Also, we recommend that you place a faurd alert on your credit file.
We regret this very unfortunate situation and appreciate your understanding.
The YMCA would graciously accept your substitute payment in lieu of the stolen cash, checks and credit card imprints for any items purchased on Saturday at the "Dump & Run" Sale.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and we exist solely from the donations of private individuals. For more information and assistance, please contact Betty Earle at 337-1500.
It is interesting that even the information collected at some garage sales is sensitive and needs protection.
Past Breaches:
Most criminals are worse than "low, low, low". I have been representing them for 30 years and have yet to meet a Robin Hood. Criminals prefer weak and vulnerable targets such as the elderly, disabled, etc. In fact, from my perspective, entities that deal with the personal information of the elderly (the kind that fall for scams involving winning the Nigerian lottery they never entered) should keep this extra potential for harm and often time devastating loss to identify theft victim in mind when determining how much time and money to expend on security protecting such information- when and if any cost/risk reduction analysis is conducted.
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