Computers stolen from Austin Peay Veterans Upward Bound program

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Austin Peay State University ("APSU")

Veterans Upward Bound ("VUB")*

*"The VUB program is a pre-college instructional program for discharged veterans preparing them for college enrollment."

Clarksville, Tennessee

VUB participants between 1999-2007

Number Affected:
"approximately 750"

Types of Data:
Personal information including "Social Security numbers and names"

Breach Description:
"CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. - Hundreds of letters are being sent out to Austin Peay State University students after someone stole two computers containing personal information."

Reference URL:
Austin Peay State University via The Leaf-Chronicle
WZTV Fox 17 News

Report Credit:
Melony Shemberger, Austin Peay State University

From the online sources cited above:

Two computers were stolen from Austin Peay State University’s Veterans Upward Bound office Monday morning.

According to VUB staff, one of the computers contained names and Social Security numbers of approximately 750 participants in the program from 1999-2007.
[Evan] As far as I can tell, these computers were not "mobile", meaning they are not laptops.  We read about plenty of lost/stolen, poorly secured laptops.  I harp about not encrypting laptops containing sensitive information, but I a really mean to harp on not encrypting all sensitive data at rest and in transit.  Start with laptops (higher risk) and servers, then move on to other less mobile desktops.

University officials said both computers were password protected, so they don't believe student information was accessed.
[Evan] Oh come on!  People must still be buying into the operating system password protection argument.  Not sure why.

According to APSU campus police, at approximately 5:39 a.m., an officer in the vicinity spotted a person walking through the Castle Heights area, near the VUB building.

The suspect spotted the officer and fled.

The officer pursued the individual but was unable to apprehend him.
[Evan] If this is the same individual that made off with the computers, then where were the computers while the officer was in pursuit?  You can't tell me that the individual was able to outrun the officer while carrying the computers!

Upon further investigation the officer found the VUB building had been broken into and two desktop computers missing.

A concrete brick is what police believe thieves used to break into an Austin Peay building.

The university has no reason to believe the information on the machines has been accessed but is requesting individuals who participated in the Veterans Upward Bound Program at Austin Peay State University from 1999- 2007 to contact APSU by phone at or by e-mail at .

The university is sending certified letters to those individuals affected by the incident.

APSU Campus Police are still investigating the theft.

If you have information related to the theft, you may contact Campus Police by phone at , or you can send an anonymous e-mail by visiting the APSU Campus Police Web site at

that affect children and veterans tick me off a little more than most.

Past Breaches:

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