We’re Bringing it Back!
After more than 15 months off, we are bringing the Breach Blog back! We hope that it’ll be better than ever too.
Much has happened in the 15 months since I wrote our last post:
- We started an information security consulting company; FRSecure LLC .
- We have worked with and consulted with almost 50 companies! The companies we have been working with vary widely in their size (5 – 46,000+ employees), industry (healthcare, financial services, printing, software development, and application hosting to name a few), culture, and structure.
- Hundreds of breaches have occurred. Breaches are still happening too. Some are the result of unfortunate circumstances, but most are still happening due to a lack of good information security practices.
Our motivations for writing on The Breach Blog again are the same as they were when I first started it 2-1/2 years ago. These motivations will drive my writing style and content.
The Breach Blog is an education and awareness tool.
Although I am often critical of the people and companies who, in my professional opinion, are responsible for information security breaches, it is not my focus to tear people or companies down. I am really a pretty positive guy. My focus is to educate victims, consumers, information security professionals, and anyone else who wishes to read my posts. Most of my posts will be written about breaches. Occasionally I may throw in a special article or two.
I hope that you will participate with your commentary. Your comments are extremely valuable to me, to FRSecure, and to other readers.
Well, that’s it for now. Sadly, I doubt that it will be long before I am writing about the next breach that I come across.
Welcome back - you were gone too long! We need you to continue publicizing poor & good security practices so we can educate ourselves. Keep up the good work.
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Great news. BB was/is a real learning tool for anyone who needs to know how to and how not to handle data loss issues.
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Totally cool! Watchdogs are important. Any chance of an RSS feed?
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I emailed a reply to you as well. The feeds are now posted in the sidebar in "Our Feeds".
Thank you for the suggestion!
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